Classes hierarchy
[WpcObj programmer's guide]


Class Hierarchy shows list of all usefull classes in the library. These classes implements requied functionality and provides programmer friendly interfaces to network structures and libpcap's objects.

PtThreads represents isolated group of classes and typedefs to implement cross-platform C++ wrapper over the native threads mechanism. This group may be used separately, and doesn't require all classes in the library. You can even link to binary library without any overheads in resulting programm code.



class  WpcAdapter
 Main class for libpcap operations. More...
class  WpcAddress
 Class for representation an address associated to a network interface. More...
class  WpcMacAddr
 Ethernet MAC address wrapper class. More...
class  WpcLogger
 Base class for logging operations. More...
class  WpcError
 Class for exception processing. More...
class  WpcPacket
 Base class for libpcap packet. More...
class  WpcIpPacket
 Implements protocol-specific fields for IP packets. More...
class  WpcArpPacket
 Implements protocol-specific fields for ARP packets. More...
class  WpcTcpPacket
 Implements protocol-specific fields for TCP packets. More...
class  WpcUdpPacket
 Implements protocol-specific fields for UDP packets. More...
class  WpcIcmpPacket
 Implements protocol-specific fields for ICMP packets. More...
struct  WPC_ETH_HDR
 Low-lever Ethernet header mapping. More...
struct  WPC_ARP_HDR
 Low-lever ARP header mapping. More...
struct  WPC_IP_HDR
 Low-lever IP header mapping. More...
struct  WPC_ICMP_HDR
 Low-lever ICMP header mapping. More...
struct  WPC_TCP_HDR
 Low-lever TCP header mapping. More...
struct  WPC_UDP_HDR
 Low-lever UDP header mapping. More...
class  WpcAddressList
 List of WpcAddress objects. More...
class  WpcPacketList
 List of WpcPacket objects. More...

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Generated on Fri May 22 18:17:00 2009 for wpcObj by 
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