Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
PtEventEvent class
PtMutexMutex class
PtMutexLockerMutexLocker class
PtThreadThread class
WPC_ARP_HDRLow-lever ARP header mapping
WPC_ETH_HDRLow-lever Ethernet header mapping
WPC_ICMP_HDRLow-lever ICMP header mapping
WPC_IP_HDRLow-lever IP header mapping
WPC_TCP_HDRLow-lever TCP header mapping
WPC_UDP_HDRLow-lever UDP header mapping
WpcAdapterMain class for libpcap operations
WpcAdapter::WpcAdapterInfoSmart pointer to libpcap's structure pcap_t
WpcAddressClass for representation an address associated to a network interface
WpcAddressListList of WpcAddress objects
WpcArpPacketImplements protocol-specific fields for ARP packets
WpcArpRecordClass for ARP table storage
WpcErrorClass for exception processing
WpcIcmpPacketImplements protocol-specific fields for ICMP packets
WpcIpPacketImplements protocol-specific fields for IP packets
WpcLoggerBase class for logging operations
WpcMacAddrEthernet MAC address wrapper class
WpcPacketBase class for libpcap packet
WpcPacketListList of WpcPacket objects
WpcTcpPacketImplements protocol-specific fields for TCP packets
WpcUdpPacketImplements protocol-specific fields for UDP packets

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